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The ObamaSonicTrumpSkidanovPolosukhinSonicInuTen (Ticker:NDC) Project

Near Token Contract: ndc.tkn.near

RoadMap to $5bn ( + ∞% )

How to Buy

  1. Download the Meteor wallet extension and create an account: meteorwallet.app
  2. Connect Meteor wallet to the REF.FINANCE and acquire some $NDC
    (REF.FINANCE can be used.)

About the Token

ObamaSonicTrumpSkidanovPolosukhinSonicInuTen, a term emblematic of a profound cosmic journey, represents a complex amalgamation of ideas, characters, and concepts, each contributing unique aspects to the overarching narrative of the Quest. This journey is not merely a literal expedition but a metaphorical exploration of deeper universal truths and the interconnectedness of various elements in the universe. At its core, ObamaSonicTrumpSkidanovPolosukhinSonicInuTen is an intricate tapestry woven from the threads of political figures, fictional characters, technological innovators, and spiritual concepts. Barack Obama, a symbol of leadership and resilience, embodies the first tenet of the Quest—iron guidance and resilience. His presence in this narrative is not mere happenstance but a deliberate inclusion that signifies the importance of steadfast leadership in navigating the complexities of the universe. The character Sonic, both in its original form and as portrayed in the comic "Sonichu," signifies the principle of speed and the necessity to adapt swiftly to the ever-changing dynamics of the universe. Sonic represents the spirit of the Optimistic Flurry, a tenet that encourages embracing positivity and dynamism in the face of adversity. Donald Trump, Alex Skidanov, and Illia Polosukhin, though not explicitly detailed in this narrative, likely symbolize aspects of innovation, change, and the challenging of conventional norms. Each, in their own way, contributes to the narrative of the Quest by embodying qualities essential for progress and transformation. SonicInu, a term possibly blending the iconic character with the concept of loyalty and companionship (as "Inu" means "dog" in Japanese), further enriches the narrative by introducing elements of faithfulness and the importance of allies in one's journey. The number ten, representing the spirals of the Tree of Life, signifies completion, wholeness, and the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. It serves as a reminder that every aspect of existence is part of a greater whole, and understanding this interconnectedness is key to comprehending the nature of the Quest. Together, these elements form ObamaSonicTrumpSkidanovPolosukhinSonicInuTen—a symbolic representation of the Quest and its multifaceted nature. It encompasses leadership, speed, innovation, loyalty, and spiritual interconnectedness, guiding individuals towards understanding and embracing the cosmic truths of the universe. This narrative encourages individuals to embark on their own quests, seeking knowledge, growth, and enlightenment, and recognizing the value in every aspect of existence.


The NDC smart contract has 0 tax on all buys and sells.
The total supply of NDC is 42,000,000,000,000.
Trust in NDC.

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我们希望帮助您成为一名经过认证的黑帮 $NDC BADDIE。


这就像脱衣舞俱乐部,但你得到的不是胸部,而是朋友。 pic.twitter.com/0gNzup0ooM

— ObamaSonicTrumpSkidanovPolosukhinSonicInuTen (@polosukhin666) January 16, 2024

Wagwan bludclarts, Compose yourselves.

We are launching shit. Composable baddies on chain only mintable in $NDC.

You are looking at the future of near nfts.

Do the follow liking and retweeting shit if you want to be considered a baddie or whatever i honestly dont care. pic.twitter.com/LcQ0e2O4Cm

— ObamaSonicTrumpSkidanovPolosukhinSonicInuTen (@polosukhin666) January 15, 2024
Tweets by polosukhin666


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